

Vegueros Overview

Vegueros cigars are crafted by and in tribute to the Pinar del Rio region's "vegueros" or tobacco workers. The brand exemplifies the region's pride and commitment to growing the finest tobaccos and creating world-class cigars. Cigar rollers at the Francisco Donatien factory in Pinar del Rio use local long filler tobaccos to produce Vegueros cigars. The cigars are favored for their harmonious blend of richness, taste, and value.

Originally established in 1997, the Vegueros brand was shut down in 2012 for a complete reboot. However, the cigars that emerged once again in 2013 completely transformed into the rich and tasty cigars available today. Unfortunately, due to popular demand and limited market placement, the cigars can be difficult to locate, yet tracking down these memorably satisfying smokes is well worth the effort.

Vegueros Cigar Style

Vegueros cigars ooze with pepper, nut, wood, spice, orange zest, earth, and sweet cream notes. The cigars fall into the medium-bodied category, with some venturing deeper into the medium-full arena. While the tobacco's richness is bold and ever-present throughout the Vegueros experience, each smoke is balanced and composed. The Vegueros brand is ideal for all, from the novice to the most experienced. 

Vegueros Products

The Vegueros line-up offers great smokes at a good value. The cigars are especially favored by those searching for a step up from Cuba's less expensive volume brands without the hefty price tags of Cohiba or Montecristo cigars. Popular options include the 4 3/8” x 52 Entretiempos and the 4 3/4” x 46 Tapados. These and other Vegueros cigars make excellent pairing partners to all your favorite beverages and serve as versatile smokes perfect for any time or place. 

Test your tastebuds with the power and majesty of Vegueros cigars. Shop these genuine Cubans and more at Finest Cigars today.