Montecristo Petit No. 2
Montecristo Petit No. 2
Montecristo Petit No. 2
Ring Gauge | 52 |
Length | 120 mm / 4.7 inches |
Strength | Medium |
Size | Petit Piramides |
Since 1935, Montecristo cigars have been Cuban cigar favorites that are beloved throughout the world for their smooth, deeply complex character. The Petit No. 2 offers a premier example of Montecristo’s timeless appeal, offering a classic Piramide shape in a shorter format perfect for modern cigar lovers.
The alluring chocolate brown wrapper covers a savory blend of aged Cuban long-filler tobaccos from the famous Vuelta Abajo region of Pinar del Rio. These tobaccos offer beautifully refined natural tobacco, cedar, coffee bean, salted nut, white pepper, tropical fruit, and sweet spice flavors. The finish is velvety rich, and creamy.
Impeccably crafted with deep complexity and taste, the medium-bodied Montecristo Petit No. 2 is a unique Cuban cigar experience. The cigar is ideally suited for Montecristo fans, those who prefer a smaller format Figurado, and all those looking to experience the best Cuban cigars.