- Special Price 34.00 USD Regular Price 43.00 USD
- Special Price 115.00 USD Regular Price 153.00 USD
Bolivar Overview
Bolivar cigars are world-renowned for their robust character and exciting flavor profiles. Richly textured and powerful smokes, Bolivar cigars cater to cigar aficionados with experienced palates. For the sensory adventurer, however, smoking a Bolivar cigar is among Cuba's most rewarding cigar experiences.
Named in honor of famous liberator Simon Bolivar, the Bolivar brand was launched in 1902 by Jose F. Rocha. The brand was formally registered in Cuba in 1921 and quickly gained a reputation as a Cuban cigar of exceptional quality and taste. By the 1950s, Bolivar cigars had evolved into the bold flavor bombs so revered by veteran connoisseurs today.
Bolivar Cigar Style
Cigar lovers gravitate to Bolivar cigars due to the abundant richness each cigar offers. Bolivar cigars are crafted from the liveliest tobaccos from Cuba's famous Pinar del Rio region. These potent tobaccos create cigars of unquestioned power and sophistication.
From earthy and peppery to nutty and cedary, Bolivar cigars offer a full range of textures to please even the most discerning aficionados. In addition, Bolivar cigars feature impeccable construction, allowing the full range and force of tobacco blends to be savored.
Bolivar Products
The Bolivar brand is home to various full-bodied and complex smokes that offer authentic Cuban cigar experiences. From the intense yet balanced favorites Coronas Gigantes and Royal Coronas, to the unforgettable Liberator and limited release Soberanos Edicion Limitada 2018, Bolivar cigars deliver thrilling adventures like no others.
Test your tastebuds with the power and majesty of Bolivar cigars. Shop these genuine Cubans and more at Finest Cigars today.